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Digital Detox

Jan 17, 2022

With the rise of Covid around us, we all have been separated from each other, unable to meet physically and connect among ourselves. The uncertainty of Covid has created mixed feelings within our minds that includes fear, sorrow, loneliness and more. We have been trying to substitute these feelings by looking up to our devices and getting trapped into it most of the time during our day thinking that will help us to solve our issues.While devices were created by humans to use as a tool to provide us with information , it has made us all rely on them to fill our boredom, loneliness and sorrow.

The more we spend time with our devices, the less is the time we spend with our family and children. The more we live in the digital world, the less we live in the real world. The more we spend time going through social media, the less we spend time on ourselves.

We have been consuming a lot of good and bad information overloading our minds and our brains. This gradually results in us feeling extremely tired , drained and feeling unenergetic. It is important to realize that if we don’t become conscious of our digital time, we will have to pay the price later with ill health. Information is just like food. As undigested food in our body can cause us harm. Undigested information can cause harm to our intelligence and impact our mental health.

As some of us carry out detoxing our bodies by refraining from baked , sweet and unhealthy foods, a similar detox is required to protect our mental health.

Digital detox means giving yourself time to refrain from digital devices that include TV, Laptop, mobile devices etc.

Today I'm going to share with you 4 steps to implement digital detox into your daily schedule.

1.Preparation - This stage involves preparing the day before by silencing notifications on your device and placing it in a room where you don’t sleep.

2.Start - Begin your day without looking at any device at least for an hour.

3.Engage - Engage in an activity with yourself, your family or outdoors .

4.Allocate - Restrict the time you spend on social media . Allocate short intervals of time to go through social media. Set a reminder to help you get back from social media.

Following the above steps, you will notice that you will be able to better manage your time and energy on digital devices and use it when required rather than allowing them to distract you from your daily life.

Let’s all use our time effectively and not allow devices around us to steal our time, focus and energy from us.

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Afsheen Shah2y ago

I love this idea! I have almost all my notifications silenced on my phone and it has really helped.

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Amritha Kailas
May 24, 2024, 23:00
Anxiety and Depression - Coaching Consultation and Assessment Call

Are you looking to begin making a change in your life and become the best version of yourself by breaking free from the emotional barriers that has been blocking you from achieving your dreams, finding your true self and happiness in your life?

Join this consultation Call to gain more clarity, and be part of my coaching program that will enable to discover your authentic self through Self Discovery, Mindset Development, Habbit Mastery and Emotional Wellness.

Amritha Kailas is a Jay Shetty Certified Life and Success Coach.She specializes in emotional wellness and transformation by following a holistic approach that involves empowering the mind leading to the overall development of a person . Amritha discovered her life’s purpose as Coaching during the year November 2020 . Her journey from emotional pain experienced during her childhood resulted in mental health issues of anxiety and depression in her adult life. However Amritha’s perseverance along with the support from her family and spiritual masters enabled her to come back to life and pursue her passion in Sanskrit and Music through teaching. While teaching children and adults, Amritha noticed her mind expand with compassion which made her deeply reflect on her purpose in life. After many months of deep inquiry and reflection along with the support from her coaches, she embarked on the journey to become a Life Coach.

Amritha helps working women discover their authentic self so that they can lead a mindful life with higher focus,clarity, self esteem, peace and emotional balance.Through her coaching sessions, she guides and enables her clients to break through the mental barriers of negative emotions, self doubt, overthinking and past that has been holding them from leading a peaceful and harmonious family life.

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May 24, 2024, 23:00
Women's Emotional Wellness and Transformation Coaching

Are you dealing with confusion, low esteem, anxiety, depression, overthinking , relationship issues and trying to find focus, confidence, purpose, peace and become self resilient in life ?

Coaching is a partnership process that would empower you to tap into your infinite potential and restore your peace and balance back to life.

Amritha Kailas is a Jay Shetty Certified Life and Success Coach.She specializes in emotional wellness and transformation by following a holistic approach that involves empowering the mind leading to the overall development of a person .

Amritha helps working women discover their authentic self so that they can lead a mindful life with higher focus,clarity, self esteem, peace and emotional balance.Through her coaching sessions and her customized coaching program, she guides and enables her clients to break through the mental barriers of negative emotions, self doubt, overthinking and past that has been holding them from leading a peaceful and harmonious family life.

The 35 days coaching program includes stages from Self Discovery, Mindset Development,Habit Mastery to Wellness & Transformation. Throughout the guided process, she offesr 1 on 1 support with checkin, motivations, assessments , powerful tools and workbooks based on ancient wisdom, neurosciences and psychology that ensures rapid progress and development in your life. The coaching process involves designing your goal based on the Discovery session followed by developing a personalized plan together with you based on your timeline, designing and implementing actions and reviewing/evaluating your progress.

Amritha discovered her life’s purpose as Coaching during the year November 2020 . Her journey from emotional pain experienced during her childhood resulted in mental health issues of anxiety and depression in her adult life. However Amritha’s perseverance along with the support from her family and spiritual masters enabled her to come back to life and pursue her passion in Sanskrit and Music through teaching. While teaching children and adults, Amritha noticed her mind expand with compassion which made her deeply reflect on her purpose in life.
After many months of deep inquiry and reflection along with the support from her coaches, she embarked on the journey to become a Life Coach.

Amritha’s long term vision is to empower women in order to create healthier communities and a peaceful world .

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