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Ion Cleanse Footbath

healing session
$45 USD
$45 USD

Cleanse the body of unwanted chemical, metals, and toxins through our IonCleanse footbath!

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701 W Main St, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA

We believe that nature is the best medicine, and it is something that chiropractors and nutritional therapists can effectively provide. Many times, nutritional deficiencies are the reason our patients experience a variety of health challenges. By addressing these deficiencies, individuals can often overcome their challenges and greatly enhance their overall quality of life.

On Core Spirit since March 2021

Wellness Coaching
Natural Health & Wellness
May 23, 2024, 18:00
Nutrition Coaching

Up to 60% of health issues can be improved with diet alone

We work with you specifically on your immune system to strengthen your body against threats such as bacteria and viruses!

We help you understand the importance of various diet changes and help you through the process of making positive changes (we know it’s hard to make those changes)

Supports you with one-on-one sessions where you can ask questions and help you toward reaching your health goals

Gives you the control to help maintain your results for a lifetime of optimal health

Wellness Coaching
Natural Health & Wellness
May 23, 2024, 18:00
701 W Main St, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA
Nutrition Coaching

Up to 60% of health issues can be improved with diet alone

We work with you specifically on your immune system to strengthen your body against threats such as bacteria and viruses!

We help you understand the importance of various diet changes and help you through the process of making positive changes (we know it’s hard to make those changes)

Supports you with one-on-one sessions where you can ask questions and help you toward reaching your health goals

Gives you the control to help maintain your results for a lifetime of optimal health

Herbal therapy
Natural Health & Wellness
May 23, 2024, 18:00
701 W Main St, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA
Ion Cleanse Footbath

Cleanse the body of unwanted chemical, metals, and toxins through our IonCleanse footbath!

Applied kinesiology
Natural Health & Wellness
May 23, 2024, 18:00
701 W Main St, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA
Wellness Visit

We offer an individualized, food-based nutrition and supplementation program that enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Do you have one or more health conditions that simply won’t go away?
Have you visited other doctors, but results were not what you hoped or expected? Maybe you’ve tried functional medicine and it helped to some degree, but there is something missing?
Do these health conditions significantly affect your life?
Are you looking for a healthier alternative to prescription drugs and surgery?

If you are wanting to try applied kinesiology without committing to a full Nutrition Response Testing program, wellness visits is the right choice for you!

Applied kinesiology
Natural Health & Wellness
May 23, 2024, 18:00
701 W Main St, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA
Nutrition Response Testing Initial Consultation

We offer an individualized, food-based nutrition and supplementation program that enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Do you have one or more health conditions that simply won’t go away?
Have you visited other doctors, but results were not what you hoped or expected? Maybe you’ve tried functional medicine and it helped to some degree, but there is something missing?
Do these health conditions significantly affect your life?
Are you looking for a healthier alternative to pscription drugs and surgery?
If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, you may be a candidate for NUTRITION RESPONSE TESTING and DESIGNED CLINICAL NUTRITION.

These conditions are not likely to go away unless the real source of the problem is found and corrected. Health is available without pscription!

Dr. Bonnie Juul has achieved the highest training possible as a Nutrition Response Testing practitioner. There are less than 600 advanced level practitioners in the world. She analyzes the function of each and every organ, gland, muscle, etc., through its neurological reflex to determine stress or dysfunction.

She uses Clinically Designed Nutrition, including whole foods (the building blocks of the body) to bring the body back to a balanced, healthy state.

Upon completion of your initial evaluation visit, you will be booked for your Report of Findings visit. This consultation will last approximately 45 minutes and can be conducted within one week after your initial evaluation. During this visit, the doctor will review your written Report of Findings, and - if accepted into care - will outline the areas of focus and the recommended nutritional therapy. Your Report of Findings is included in the cost of your initial evaluation visit.

Following your Report of Findings consultation, you will be given the opportunity to begin your nutritional program with your first nutritional therapy visit.

Practitioner Reviews

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Taysha Duckworth3y ago

Hi! Are there any health restrictions?

Anna Ginger3y ago

Hello! I need be with you on practice? Thank you!

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Tre' Grisby
May 23, 2024, 22:30
Berkeley, CA, USA
Daily Reiki for a Month

Reiki for 5 Minutes of a day for a month

How to order:
Rates are designed to be cheaper for longer periods…
$25 per month (30 days of reiki, $0.84/day)

1. Your name (First and Last Name).
2. Your primary location. Location should include City, State (or region) and Country.

What to expect:
Most people do not have the time or money to schedule a weekly 30-minute reiki session. I offer Reiki by the day. Sign up and go about your life knowing that this reiki master is sending 5 minutes of reiki a day around sunrise or sunset.

Discover renewed calm and balance with a little Reiki every day. Watch as common aches and pains seem to vanish. Everyone needs more reiki for a deeper balance of the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Please send me your feedback by email or social media.

Benefits of Reiki:
- Relieve pain, fatigue, and depression.
- Reduced stress, and anxiety.
- Increased feelings of relaxation. Aiding in sleep and removing insomnia symptoms.
- Improved mood and emotional well-being. Better appreciation for life, especially our own. Leading to improved quality of life.
- May improve conditions like headache, tension, insomnia, and nausea.

Legal disclaimer:
The Reiki is not a medical device, and not intended for use in diagnosing, healing, or preventing disease.

Reiki sessions can detoxify the body on a physical and spiritual level. Physical effect could be digestive discomfort as the body purges toxins. Spiritual effects could be tears and buried emotions suddenly surfacing.

By registered users: 39
Mindfulness meditation
Johann Strerath
May 25, 2024, 00:00
Brain Optimization Guided Meditation

This service is perfectly suited for those who are looking for individual single sessions to reduce their immediate levels of anxiety that causes lack of concentration, focus, sleep disorders, incapacity to take proper personal or professional decisions, as well as hyper activity originated by their excess of work related stress.

At the same time, this online session is indicated to those with depressive symptoms, lack of self-steam, as well as mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, helping to align their body, mind, emotions and soul, as well as to increase self confidence.

By registered users: 58
LIIFT UnTherapy
Brian Frederick Eastman, LIIFT UnTherapist
May 23, 2024, 13:00
Find your $ Blockages

A LIIFT UnTherapy Exploration Session to identify the level of your blocks to Financial Well-Being


  1. You and I will use the 8-Part Money Test and the Maximum Permitted Good evaluation form to identify where your Internal Operating Software. 2)Then you and I will use the LIIFT UnTherapy healing process to accomplish 2 to 3 money belief healings to begin making those positive changes in your life 3) Then we'll return the the Evaluation forms to determine how much you've healed so far.3) After the session I will provide you with copies of the notated forms so you can track the results of your future healing work.

Target audience

This specific session addresses adult financial issues.


You will gain a clearer understanding of the belief contributors to your money and finance limitations. The 2-3 money healings will give you a start on your healing journey towards more financial abundance and more money in your pocket


LIIFT UnTherapy is a peer-to-peer evaluation and healing process. Your subconscious will guide you and me to the best path for understanding and fast healing of your life. Your subconscious knows what to do and in what order. I know how to ask the questions and guide you in the process. And you get the fun of doing the work! You will NOT have to talk about what happened, nor remember it, nor re-experience it during your healing.

Other comments

Money and financial limitations generally involve beliefs from many belief categories in your life. For example, your spiritual beliefs, your belief in your own worthiness for love and good, and even any beliefs about being safe in life can affect how much money you are allowed to receive and keep

By registered users: 42
Shamanic Healing
Joanna Rose Tierney
May 24, 2024, 08:00
Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing is done distantly or face to face.

In a shamanic healing I do a list of healings in one session. For me it is like looking at each piece of the puzzle to make sure all the piece are in line and ready to go back into place to make the person whole again.

In a shamanic healing I do:

  • Ancestral Healing
  • Crystal Healing,
  • Curse, Hicks and Spells Removal,
  • Life Contracts,
  • Possession and Entity Removal,
  • Inner Child Healing,
  • Past Life Healing,
  • Chakra Clearing and Balancing,
  • Karma Clearing
  • Soul Retrieval,

Love and Light

Joanna Rose Tierney

By registered users: 40
Life Coaching
Alyssa Kelliher
May 23, 2024, 04:00
Coaching Consultation

This service is meant as an opportunity for first time clients who are interested in coaching and want to learn more. Coaching helps get you from where you are to where you want to be. In our session we will create systems to implement changes you wish to make in your life while prioritizing overall health and wellness. We will identify and work through any blocks preventing you from reaching your goals. You will be provided with tools to work through life's ebbs and flows. Find out if coaching is a good fit for you with this introductory session.

By registered users: 13
Iyengar yoga
Praggati Anand Oswaal
May 23, 2024, 08:00
5-Day Yoga Challenge

Are you looking to kickstart daily Iyengar Yoga practice that will leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and energized? Join me for this 5-Day Yoga Challenge. Each day for five days I will send a brand new Yoga practice(30 minutes duration) directly to your inbox.

This challenge is designed for all levels, from the Yoga newbies to the seasoned Yogis looking to re-inspire their practice. Get ready for long holds in classic Yoga postures that will help you reset and release tension from head to toe.

We all are getting a big serving of stress, anxiety and uncertainty every day. A regular practice of Yoga prepares you to handle the stresses of life with ease. You learn how to release stress so it does not accumulate and create dis-ease.

This is your golden opportunity to setup a consistent daily practice. Do not miss out! Best part of all, it is just $10.

Day 1: Tech Neck/Shoulders and Wrists stretching
Overview: Start things out nice and easy, get your blood flowing, play around with simple poses to relieve tension and tightness in the neck, shoulders and wrists.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 2: Hamstrings stretching
Overview: Work into some traditional poses and loosen up hamstrings to help prevent back pain, knee pain, and foot pain and rediscover freedom in movement.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 3: Core strengthening
Overview: Turn up the heat and build strength in the core which is really the center of all movements. A strong core provides better balance and better posture.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 4: Heart opening
Overview: Stretch and strengthen the spine to help keep the back strong and mobile. These backbending/chest opening poses affect not just the physical structure of the chest where the heart resides, but the energetic and emotional capacity (love, compassion, acceptance, gratitude).
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 5: Hip opening
Overview: Release tight hips for better posture and to reverse the effects of constant sitting and facilitate the movement of stagnant energy throughout the body.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Sign up and I will send you the details.

By registered users: 26
Chakra Balancing
Praggati Anand Oswaal
May 23, 2024, 08:00
7 Day Chakra Challenge

READY to bring balance to your body and mind.
READY to ignite your passion and creativity.
READY to boost your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-love.

Life is busier than ever, and we can get more done than ever before! But our need for productivity can lead to burnout.

  • Do you feel like you’re drifting through life on auto-pilot?
  • Are you constantly stressed and anxious?
  • Is communication always a struggle?
  • Do you feel run down with no energy?
  • Are you constantly questioning your decisions?
    These are all symptoms of blocked chakras

Here’s what’s possible when you learn to balance your chakras…

  • Create a positive attitude that attracts joy into your life.
  • Feel more energized and driven.
  • Connect to your purpose and live with a deep sense of fulfillment.
  • Ignite your creativity and motivation.

What if I told you everything you needed to live your best life was already within you?

Each chakra can be correlated to everything from physical pain and discomfort in the body, to our relationships with others, emotional wellbeing, and our sense of purpose. Balancing our chakras ensures that our energy is flowing smoothly, and brings a sense of calm and peace into our lives.

This course includes a 60 min Yoga practice for balancing each Chakra and also 15-20 min meditation to connect with the Chakra at the energy level. All these videos are part of this course and you have access to them for lifetime once you sign up for the course.

Day 1 : Root Chakra
When the Root Chakra energy is vibrant and flowing well, we have a great connection to the earth and feel reassured.We are not struggling to feel safe and secure. We just are! This Chakra and energy governs our survival and stability, controlling fight or flight responses.

Day 2 : Sacral Chakra
This Chakra and energy governs our emotions. It is linked to our feelings, creativity, sensuality, and sexuality. When this energy is vibrant, we embrace and enjoy life .We can easily let go of situations without excessive dwelling, and we can express ourselves without being selfish or cruel. We tend to ooze happiness and find joy everywhere!

Day 3 : Solar Plexus Chakra
This Chakra and energy is all about your personal power and how much of your life you take accountability for. When this energy is vibrant and flowing well, we are confidently decisive but still able to enjoy the spirit of spontaneity. We have a strong sense of purpose combined with healthy self-esteem. When it is out of balance, you may feel out of touch with the fire within you.

Day 4 : Heart Chakra
This Chakra energy plays a significant role in attaining overall energetic balance. It relates to our ability to give and receive love. It circulates our emotional energy and governs our empathy, ability to forgive, compassion, divine love, and how we process grief. Without your heart Chakra being open, love cannot and will not prevail.

Day 5 : Throat Chakra
This Chakra and energy governs our communication and creativity and is linked to our independence, use of language and ability to speak our truth. Not being able to freely communicate or express your thoughts and opinions will cause this Chakra to fall out of balance

Day 6 : Third Eye Chakra
This Chakra and energy governs our intuition, thoughts, and imagination, resulting in our ability to self-reflect and have a vision. When this energy is balanced, we have clarity of mind and great focus. We’re able to accept and live our truth. We are not easily distracted.

Day 7 : Crown Chakra
This Chakra and energy is linked to spiritual awareness, presence of true mindfulness and universal unity. When in balance, we are open to knowledge and the wisdom of others and are living our best, most fulfilled, and peaceful life.


  • Video on various meditation postures and breathing techniques
  • Chakra Balancing Manual
By registered users: 30
Career Coaching
Astral Core
May 23, 2024, 14:00
Vocational Analysis


An introduction to the most reliable astrological process ever devised that is specifically curated for identifying one’s vocation. Have you ever asked yourself, "what is my calling in life?" Does the prospect of job vagaries make glum? Are you finally where you aimed to be professionally, but now questioning everything, including the path you chose to take?

Target audience

Candidates often are undergoing their first or second Saturn Return, or perhaps are in college.


Save time and anguish by zeroing in on a direction that is most fitting and suitable for your natural aptitudes and interests. Done well clients realize the potential of a Vocational Analysis when the work life aligns with life's goals, and ultimately leads to fulfilment (The Midheaven). Alignment seems to be the key, to discover and attend to whatever the spirit finds agreeable, natural, and for the most part, generates well-being.


15 minutes: this is not a full session, but only one small sidebar to a comprehensive consultation.

Other comments

The Midheaven Extension Process is remarkably reliable, but no process is foolproof. Many non-astrological variables are at play to either affirm or deny individual life direction. Still, with over an 80% success rate most people find incredible value in this service.

By registered users: 85