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Private Ascension Sessions

coaching session
$300 USD
$300 USD

I can help you with these 3 main aspects:

  • Source alignment
    Raise your vibration, improve your alignment with Source, and receive higher guidance and clarity on your evolutionary journey.

  • 5D Consciousness Integration
    Master your polarity, heal and integrate the multidimensional aspects of your soul, accessing your 5D Consciousness and abilities.

  • New Earth Mission
    Activate your unique codes and soul blueprint, master your energetic signature and align with your New Earth and Starseed mission.

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Lembongan, Nusapenida, Kabupaten Klungkung, Bali, Indonesia

I am an ascension mentor, an intuitive guide, an embodiment coach and a 5D Visionary.

My mission is to assist and help you transition from the old to the new (5D consciousness integration) and remember your sovereignty, true potential and mission.

On Core Spirit since June 2021

Alex Buta

Hello beautiful souls, I channeled this in writing from the Arcturians and it will be in my book. Enjoy!

"For us, time doesn’t exist as it exists for you. We don’t have the concept of “past, present, future”.

Time for us represents a state of consciousness that is accessed through presence. When we access
this state of presence that you describe as “the now moment”, we are accessing every possibility that
is available in the universal creation from our consciousness perspective, in the 9th dimension.

From here we can explore and create anything that our current dimension of consciousness allows us
to. We, and you and all other beings in this universe, all have access to the same now moment.

You as humans there on Earth at this time, also have access to the same now moment, however,
your possibilities are limited to your current dimension of consciousness available, which is the 3rd,
4th, and the 5th.

There is no other now, and there is no separation between any event that was recorded in the
existence of our known universe.

This means that any memory, any experience that you had in the past or you might have in the future, is accessible and available to you through the now

You can access through the quantum field any memory of what you call “past” and change it, or any vision of what you call future, and integrate it as your reality, whenever you want. This is called timeline shifting/collapsing …"

The rest is longer and it goes more into depth, this is just an excerpt that I felt guided to share. Does it makes sense for you?

Alex Buta

To function more in the 5D unity consciousness, we have to purify and harmonize the main 5 multidimensional aspects of the body.

Remember, our soul is already ascended, our soul functions already in the 5D and above, so most of the journey here on Earth is about fine tuning the body to be able to embody more the frequency of the soul and the new ascension frequencies that are constantly being integrated into Earth's grid (4D, 5D).

As I mentioned, our body contains 5 layers. These layers are completely activated, integrated and harmonized, in the 5D. These layers (bodies) are:
- the physical body
- the magnetic body (feminine)
- the electric body (masculine)
- the light body (soul)
- the subconscious body (DNA programming)

Within these 5 bodies there are other layers as well. All of them are being upgraded in the 5D with new frequencies and codes of functioning that are new for us because we never walked the Earth in 5D on a grand scale.

We had glimpses throughout our long forgotten Lemuria, Atlantis, a little bit in the Oldest Kingdom of ancient Egypt, and in other incarnations on other constellations thoughout our galaxy. Now we remember more and more, as our planet ascends.

However, the process is real. The transition is real and without the proper guidance it can take way longer than it has too. It took me 8 years at least to purify all my bodies to a degree that I feel mostly integrated and stabilized in 5D.

Times are different now as we are processing even faster. My mission here is to help the advanced souls and Starseeds who are ready for this journey. Who are ready to integrate and embody more their 5D consciousness. On a practical level, not just in theory. Reach out to me directly if you feel this calling!

Alex Buta

Years ago, I could never imagine that co-creating with the universe can be so effortless. Call it galactic guides, higher self, Source, spirit guides, it doesn't matter.

What matters is to shift our perspective from struggle and victim mindset to wonder and excitement to be alive.

Even if sometimes feels challenging, even when we just want to give up or feel hopeless.

In fact, let's give ourselves some credit, for we truly are doing amazing work from the inside out.

We are the generations that are experiencing the greatest consciousness shift on this planet, ending the separation consciousness.

So basically, it takes three things to be able to effortlessly co-create with the universe. Trust, surrender and frequency alignment work.

Sounds to good to be true, right?

I know, because we've been so deeply conditioned to put the effort, to hustle, to do hard work and fight for our survival that we don't really know how to trust deeply, how to surrender fully and how to let our emotions guide us clearly.

Those who are on the leading edge of creating the new world, the new Earth, already know what I am talking about.

And those who are ready to discover what is possible are yet to experience so much magic, so much abundance, and so much beauty that this world never experienced yet. It is the next step evolutionary. It is the future of our civilization and you know what's even more exciting? It can already be experienced in this very moment. In the NOW. In fact, that's the only place we can truly create from.

Alex Buta

A lot for me has changed in the way I see and understand romantic relationships.

What I see is that most of humans are in co-dependent relationships. Probably more than 95%. I know this is a bold statement, but really, look at it from afar. You can see it. You can feel it and smell it.

Sovereign and interdependent relationships are still something that we are collectively exploring and learning, and yes, they are possible. I believe so blindly, I have too, because that's what I want for myself. That's what I envision and nothing less. I am ready for that!

To be in a sovereign relationship means to love one just for the sake of love. You love them because you love yourself enough.

You love them not because of how they love you, but really because you like who they are, and want to share your love, your energy, your time with them.

Pretty clear, and this happens with simple friendships as well. Of course, if they love you back in the way that resonates with you, then that's it. Both of your expectations of each other are met. You can dance, you can co-create.

It is not even based on growth, just pure love and respect towards one another. Growth happens in this dynamic by default, either we want it or not, for pure love pushes us to overcome our limitations and to expand into the purest versions of ourselves.

Most of the masculine-feminine dynamics and stereotypes come from the primal survival consciousness since we were in caves, so if you rely upon that to define your attraction towards your partner, then don't get surprised when you exhaust your experiences together and step out of that survival frequency, that you don't have much in common anymore.
Of course it can be resuscitated if the flame is still there, but it's a thin line.

What's your perspective on romantic relationships?

Alex Buta

I was writing this today in my book and I felt to share it with you because I personally felt so much with it:

"Your civilization has never been more ready for the next step in evolution.
You carry a unique blueprint in your DNA because of your Starseed-Earthlings mixing history, which makes you be one with all beings, not only on an awareness level but on a physical level as well.

For this reason Earth and your civilization teach us all in the Galaxy and beyond something extremely valuable that was never experienced before in this way. We hope you can see the vastness, beauty, and importance of this, and what it actually means to be human.

You are not just rising as a species in a way that no other civilization did before, but with your rising, you are closing separation timeliness not only on your planet, but in this Galaxy and beyond.

This will have a ripple effect throughout the entire universe.

This is monumental and now you can see even clearer why we are fascinated by you, why we are interested in your evolution so closely over the years and why we volunteered to add to your human journey and support your ascension whenever you are open to receive.

As you learn from us, we are learning from you as well!"

Alex Buta

The thing about contrast is that it will always be there, for we live in a dual universe. We cannot escape contrast. We will always experience some contrast.
We need it to expand, to grow, to plant new seeds and desires and to create.

However, there are different ways to experience contrast. It can be rough and painful, or it can be soft and manageable.
I observed that the higher my dominant vibration is, contrast becomes so much easier to navigate.

For example, if my dominant vibration is one of genuine happiness and satisfaction, the contrast shows up as an emotion of boredom or neutrality.
While if my dominant vibration is one of neutrality and boredom, then the contrast shows up as frustration or anger.

I learned to be mindful of my dominant vibration and maintain it as high as possible if I want to experience softer contrast, it's simply energy and frequency alchemy.

Of course, deep healing processes can often interfere and make things a little bit more painful and messy, but even those, can be manageable and less painful, if we learn how to be in charge of our energy and how to alchemize it.

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Alex Buta3y ago

Yes, definitely Kris! I am an expert in laws of attraction and manifestation, as I live my life deliberately based on them for the last 4 years. 😊

Kris Osum3y ago

Will this session help me get closer to what I want?

Alex Buta
5D Consciousness explained in 5 minutes
Alex Buta
May 20, 2024, 00:00
Private Ascension Sessions

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Tre' Grisby
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Berkeley, CA, USA
Daily Reiki for a Month

Reiki for 5 Minutes of a day for a month

How to order:
Rates are designed to be cheaper for longer periods…
$25 per month (30 days of reiki, $0.84/day)

1. Your name (First and Last Name).
2. Your primary location. Location should include City, State (or region) and Country.

What to expect:
Most people do not have the time or money to schedule a weekly 30-minute reiki session. I offer Reiki by the day. Sign up and go about your life knowing that this reiki master is sending 5 minutes of reiki a day around sunrise or sunset.

Discover renewed calm and balance with a little Reiki every day. Watch as common aches and pains seem to vanish. Everyone needs more reiki for a deeper balance of the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Please send me your feedback by email or social media.

Benefits of Reiki:
- Relieve pain, fatigue, and depression.
- Reduced stress, and anxiety.
- Increased feelings of relaxation. Aiding in sleep and removing insomnia symptoms.
- Improved mood and emotional well-being. Better appreciation for life, especially our own. Leading to improved quality of life.
- May improve conditions like headache, tension, insomnia, and nausea.

Legal disclaimer:
The Reiki is not a medical device, and not intended for use in diagnosing, healing, or preventing disease.

Reiki sessions can detoxify the body on a physical and spiritual level. Physical effect could be digestive discomfort as the body purges toxins. Spiritual effects could be tears and buried emotions suddenly surfacing.

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Joanna Rose Tierney
May 20, 2024, 08:00

Geopathic Stress
Geopathic stress is the distortion of Geo-electromagnetic energies in the earth’s field of underground water courses, mineral deposits; faults and underground cavities. These distorted or negative energies may radiate through your house or work place, affecting the health of the occupants in different ways. The problem arises when people spend long periods of time working or sleeping in these lines or zones of ‘Geopathic stress’ (GS). The healing of land and houses is essential for good health and wellbeing

Symptoms of Geopathic stress

While Geopathic stress does not cause illnesses directly, it may weaken the immune system which in turn weakens the body, making it slower to heal and more susceptible to illnesses such as cancer.

Sleeping in a Geopathic zone is particularly stressful. If you sleep on a spiral, where two Leylines of the negative energy cross, for example, two underground rivers, not alone may it affect your sleep patterns by causing broken or restless sleep or nightmares, you may wake up in the morning feeling more tired than when you went to bed. This is because the adrenal gland works overtime to compensate for the distorted earth radiation. The brain also cannot relax into a deep sleep to repair and regenerate the body due to the high content of adrenaline in the blood. Over time, the fact that you sleep in this energy overnight, may lead to energy imbalance or long term illness.

Any of the following are believed to result from exposure to Geopathic stress:

Behavioral problems, e.g. Aggression, hyperactivity
Emotional instability
Sleeping disorders and restlessness
Cancer, M.E. And M.S.
Aches and pains, e.g. Headaches
Back problems
Infertility and cot deaths
Asthma and allergies
Stress and nervousness
Lack of concentration or memory loss
Exhaustion, fatigue or loss of strength
Absenteeism at work due to sickness
Not responding to medical treatment

Physical indicators of Geopathic stress

Animals that gravitate to lines or zones of GS include: cats, owls, slugs, snails, insects such as ants, bacteria, viruses, wasps and bees. Most mammals avoid areas of Geopathic stress. Horses and cows stabled over GS may become sick or prone to injuries. In Ireland in the days of old, people used to put cattle into the fields to see where they would sleep knowing that they would not sleep in areas of negative energy. This is then where the buildings were placed, in the good old days before planning permission!

Areas of non-productive fruit trees, gaps in hedges, twisted growth, patches in lawns and trees where lightening has struck can indicate areas of GS.

Animals and very young children can feel instinctively if a place is healthy or not i.e. If there are lines or zones of Geopathic stress within it. If children are oriented differently from when they were tucked in, or don’t want to sleep in their beds it is wise to check for lines of the GS.

Can the level of Geopathic stress be measured?

Through the art of dowsing, Dr. Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, the ‘Grand Old Man’ of GS, developed a scale to analyze the strengths and effects of the contaminated leylines

The scale runs from 1 to 16 with the following effects:

Up to 4: No effect.
5 – 6: Obesity, swelling of joints, headaches, sleeping problems, anxiety.
7 – 8: Mental disorders, addictions, suicides, depression.
9 plus: Cancer, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and many other disorders.
In both Germany and Austria it is the law to have your house checked for Geopathic stress before you move in.

Love and Light
Joanna Rose Tierney

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